5 Benefits of Investing in Custom Cut Floor Medallions for Your Property

Whether you manage a high-volume law firm, run a sports facility, or any business for that matter, there are a variety of benefits to investing in a custom cut floor medallion like the ones created by Precision Cutting Service. You can give your building a whole new look and increase its elegance, but those are only a few of the many benefits.

Let’s take a look at the five leading reasons to invest in a custom cut floor medallion today.

  1. Sophistication

 A custom cut floor medallion can provide a level of sophistication that can highlight your building, office or home’s unique characteristics. Medallions have a way of making visitors feel like they’re in a successful and powerful setting, one with a rich history, accentuated by meaningful designs and symbols—sending a message of permanence built right into the very structure itself.

  1. Easy Installation

 One great thing about floor medallions is that they’re incredibly easy to install. The computer aided design software that a water jet cutting system employs, coupled with the cutting system’s exact tolerances and smooth cuts, make certain the individual pieces of your floor medallion fit perfectly. Whether the medallion is made from marble, ceramic tile, granite or VCT, water jet cut floor medallions make installation a breeze.

  1. Exotic Appearance

 The right floor design can boost the impression your property makes by adding a touch of the exotic. Whether you want to promote your heritage, multicultural influences and/or world travels, or display your family’s coat of arms, or enhance your logo or brand, or even illustrate your creative flair, a richly colored and well-placed floor medallion can deliver your message tastefully and without pretense.

  1. Timelessness

 Custom cut floor medallions offer a timeless appeal that will last far into the future. They’re meant to be walked on and will remain in great condition even in highly trafficked areas. They also require little to no special maintenance—a simple scrubbing when you wash the rest of the floors is enough.

  1. Customization

 Floor medallions are easily customized to suit your specific needs. You can feature your business logo, or family crest, or your own design or drawing. The possibilities are endless. You can send us your design on the back of an envelope, or as a finished drawing, or in any number of digital file formats, and from there we will make it a reality. Installing a custom floor medallion is a great way to personalize your property and let the vision of your business or home shine through.

Let us be your custom cut floor medallion experts!

 Do you want to wow guests that visit your home or business? Investing in a custom floor medallion is a wonderful, creative way to do so. To learn more about the custom floor medallion services available from Precision Cutting Service, contact us online today or call (912) 233-9550.