Choosing the Best Custom Cut Gaskets for the Food & Beverage Industry

Whether you own a restaurant or run a catering company, you’ve likely come across some custom cut gaskets in your kitchen, connecting appliances and performing other functions. However, if you’re not an expert like the team from Precision Cutting Service, you might be unsure of what type of gasket will suit your appliances and applications should you have to order more.

That’s why we’re here to shed some light on the matter, so read on!

Why are Gaskets so Important for the Food & Beverage Industry?

One of the biggest reasons having the proper gaskets is so important for food and beverage manufacturers, and restaurants, is because they keep food and beverage production safe for the public. For safety reasons, all food and beverage manufacturers are required by law to use gaskets that conform to certain standards, such as USDA and FDA guidelines. This is because custom rubber gaskets need to be made from materials that won’t compromise the integrity of the food or beverages being produced.

Choosing the Best Materials & Design for Your Needs

When selecting custom rubber gaskets, it’s important to select ones that will not only comply with all standards and regulations but also be able to fit properly on your food production equipment. Often, the materials for each custom gasket are selected based on several parameters, including size, temperature, application, media, and pressure, also referred to by manufacturers as STAMP.

Some of the most popular custom gasket materials in the food and beverage industry include Teflon, which is known for its non-stick and dielectric properties, as well as EPDM rubber, and silicone.

Contact Precision Cutting Service for your custom cut gaskets today!

When it comes to custom cut gaskets for the food and beverage industry, our team from Precision Cutting Service is equipped to provide a range of options. Our solutions are specifically tailored to your needs and the environment in which your gaskets will be used.

Additionally, Precision Cutting Service works with a wide range of materials, and has flexible ordering standards, and can fill orders of nearly any size, big or small. We also utilize state-of-the-art waterjet cutting equipment to ensure the highest level of precision.

Precision Cutting Service offers competitive pricing as well as guaranteed, on-time delivery, so contact us online today to learn more or call (912) 233-9550 to request a quote!