Four Creative Ways Custom Cut Floor Medallions Can Transform A Room

With our water jet cutting systems, creating custom cut floor medallions becomes affordable, even with relatively complicated designs.  Floor medallions are a great way to add a “wow” factor to rooms, and plenty of organizations use them to make their entryways more appealing.

However, there are far more uses for custom cut floor medallions than just plopping one down in your foyer.  In fact, you don’t even necessarily need to use them on the floor.  Here are just a few other ways you can use a water jet medallion to transform a space.

Four Unusual Ways A Custom Cut Medallion Can Wow Your Visitors

  1. Faux tile work

A medallion doesn’t have to look like a medallion.  Our water jet cutting system at Precision Cutting Service can create designs of all shapes and sizes.  You could have a series of medallions made which imitate the look of intricate tile designs for a kitchen backsplash, for example.

Custom Cut Floor Medallions

  1. On the floor of fountains or pools

Does your building have any dug-in water features, such as fountains or reflecting pools?  Put a custom medallion at the bottom.  Unadorned fountain and reflecting pool floors are typically uninteresting, so adding a medallion will make them more visually appealing.  For example, a mix of real fish and custom-cut fish on the floor of a reflecting pool creates a compelling look.

  1. On the ceiling

A lot of people don’t know this, but the vaulted ceilings in some Renaissance palaces were actually an optical illusion.  Rather than having architecturally-complicated vaulting, or complicated bas-relief carvings, the designers would simply put intricate flat artwork on their ceilings to make the ceiling look like it was vaulted.  This same effect could be accomplished on your own ceilings, in any room that needed to be made more impressive.

  1. On bathroom walls

Whether in a home or a business, a medallion can easily be affixed to walls of bathrooms that are already going to be stonework.  Having impressive artwork in such a utilitarian space is a great way to impress visitors and make your building look like care has been put into every area of the design.

Custom Cut Floor Medallions

For Great Custom Cut Floor Medallions, Contact Precision Cutting Service

We have a long history of great designs and satisfied customers.  We’re available for jobs large and small, so contact us for a consultation!