How Does Water Jet Cutting Services Able to Cut So Cleanly?

water jet cutting machine working principle

How Water Jet Cutting Services Work

Water jet cutting is an excellent way to cut a huge range of materials—from delicate foam, to all sorts of rubber, synthetics and VCT, to granite, marble and tile, and even aluminum and steel. A good water jet cutting service can take care of all your cutting needs, with faster speeds and lower costs than most other types of cutting.

You might think of water as being a “soft” material, but at high speeds water becomes razor sharp, particularly when it is blasted at 60,000 PSI through a .15 mm diameter nozzle.

That, by itself, is more than sufficient to cut through many materials.  However, water jet cutting can go another step beyond.  When cutting through steel, or hard stone, the water can be enhanced with an abrasive (usually diamond dust) to further improve its cutting power.  At that point, there’s almost nothing on earth a water jet cutter can’t easily slice through.

Advantages of water-jet cutting

  • The cut is completely clean and smooth.  There’s no need for any sanding or post finishing. Saws and lasers tend to damage the materials they cut, typically by splintering or burning the cut edges.  Water jets leave smooth edges. 
  • Because the diameter of the nozzle is so small, water jet cutting is incredibly precise, with tolerances of  ±.003.”
  • Water jet cutting services can cut the widest range of materials as indicated above, and in sizes smaller than a dime, as large as 6’ x 12’ and as thick as 8.” They can even split 12” lengths of pipe.
  • Water jet cutting is less expensive because of its speed and accuracy.

When you’re searching for a cutting service, you may first think of either traditional saw outfits that use blades, or some form of laser cutting service.  However, there’s another highly effective and, more than likely, better option, one that is economical, fast, precise and environmentally friendly: water jet cutting services.

If you have a need for custom cutting—perhaps for a new sign, or custom gaskets, or an OEM part, or even a floor medallion—you should be well served by engaging an experienced water jet cutting service for your next project.  Contact Precision Cutting Service to learn more!