Playground Stencils: The Ultimate Tool to Make Learning More Fun and Effective at School

Children learn a lot more than just language skills, math, history and science in school. They also learn to pave their way through life, tackle challenges, and get along with others. Studies show that these expected outcomes can be enhanced by programs that incorporate regular, organized and directed playground games into their curriculums.

These games help teachers keep children up and receptive by involving them in fun and interesting physical activities that strategically develop their brains. They spark attention, boost energy and reinforce classroom lessons by making learning fun.

You can easily and economically create these games with the help of custom playground stencils from Precision Cutting Service. Founded in 1994, we serve schools and community recreation departments in every state in the US.

Read on to learn how our playground stencils allow students to safely play while simultaneously helping them grow in all aspects of life.

How our playground stencils are pivotal for students’ growth

We are one of the nation’s leading waterjet cutting companies and our quick, versatile and affordable cutting capabilities are perfect for creating playground game stencils that keep children engaged and augment classroom lessons.

Whether you want a basketball court, alphabet trail, four square court, hopscotch challenge or other educational game, you should turn to the playground game experts at Precision Cutting Service for assistance. Our ready-made and custom stencils are time tested designs that have been proven to help teach children the skills they’ll need to lead a rewarding life.

Hopscotch Playground Stencil

Here are some of the benefits our playground game stencils produce.

Visual Benefits

Children are naturally inclined to bright colors, simple shapes, and fun games. When teachers incorporate organized playground activities into their daily curriculums, they boost attentiveness, burn excess energy and reinforce classroom lessons by appealing to these inclinations.

Interpersonal Benefits

Children who participate in playground activities learn important team building skills that help them develop goals, plan, get along with others and promote better interactions in the classroom. Shuffleboard and four-square games are just two examples of playground games that help develop these skills. We offer these and many other playground game stencils that teachers can use to help develop these skills. We can even bring unique game ideas to life by customizing a game stencil just for you.

Physical Benefits

Playgrounds with different games offer opportunities for every child to a find a favorite or two that will help him or her stay active and alert. Games such as Lizards & Ladders, Hopscotch and Jump Rope are just three examples of the playground stencils we offer that promote directed physical activity. Additionally, teachers can improve playground learning by dividing their playgrounds into different game zones—each with one or more educational games—by asking Precision Cutting Service to size and custom cut game stencils that best suit the dimensions of these zones.

Waterjet Technology and Playground Stencils

Precision Cutting Service’s waterjet cutting systems employ incredibly fine and powerful streams of water to cut virtually any design from virtually any material. Our cutting nozzles are driven by sophisticated software and robust computers, and, as our name suggests, they achieve highly precise cuts that make all of our stencils dependable and easy to use. And because our technology only uses highly pressurized water, it is fast and economical.

Depending on the application and teacher preference, our customers typically ask us to cut reusable rubber or vinyl for their playground stencils, but aluminium, plastic and other composites also work well. Most playground game designs are fairly straight forward, but our waterjet cutting systems can also produce incredibly complex designs. For marking playground surfaces with one of our game stencils, teachers typically use colored paint for permanent applications or colored chalk for shorter term needs.

Playground Game Numbers Path Stencil

Our more than 28 years of experience, coupled with our advanced cutting systems and skilled staff, make us one of the nation’s most experienced resources for playground stencils. You can send us a simple sketch or technical drawing of the playground stencil you require, use one of the game stencils designs we have in our inventory, or forward us your game layout in any number of digital file formats, such as CAD, vector, jpg or PDF. Also, you can even send us an existing stencil to re-create or re-engineer to new specifications.

Our customer service team is friendly, knowledgeable and easy to access. Call 912-233-9550, email or use our online quote link to find out more. So, what are you waiting for? Contact us today to perfectly match your playground needs with our extensive capabilities.