The Most Important Factors to Consider When Ordering Custom Cut Floor Medallions

Do you want to truly wow visitors when they step into your building, or even when they walk into specific rooms?  Few pieces of decoration are better at impressing visitors than custom cut floor medallions.  A great floor medallion can be a work of art, or a statement of intent, while still functioning as an easy-to-maintain flooring material.

Because custom floor medallions can be created with virtually any design, you’ll have a lot of flexibility when deciding what to create.  These are the most important factors to consider.

Four Critical Considerations When Ordering Custom Cut Floor Medallions

1. Material

There is a huge range of materials that can be used to create floor medallions, anything from inexpensive vinyl, to high-end materials such as marble.  When you order from a water jet cutting shop, you can have virtually any material you desire.  Budget and existing conditions may play a role in your decision-making, but remember to think about the impact the material might have on visitors.  Obviously, well thought out and executed designs generate the most impressive results.

2. Colors

A floor medallion needs to stand out from the surrounding floor, and the colors of the room it’s in, but without actually clashing or seeming garish.  The colors in the medallion should always be chosen while keeping the surrounding color scheme in mind.  Either complementary or contrasting colors can work, so give some thought to the effect you want to create.

3. Room balance 

Most of the time, a floor medallion will be placed in the center of a floor.  This works well from a balance perspective, but perfect centering isn’t always possible.  You may need to consider moving objects around the room to balance out the medallion if it’s otherwise going to throw everything off.  Look to work with it, rather than working around it.

4. Message

What do you want your custom cut floor medallion to say about you or your business?  This could be literal, such as including a logo, motto, or family crest in the medallion.  Or, it could be more symbolic, such as using high-end materials and gold trim to suggest wealth.  Your medallion will have a message, one way or the other, so take control of the messaging.

Get Custom Floor Medallions from Our Team

Precision Cutting Service offers top-quality and highly affordable custom cut floor medallions, thanks to our water jet cutting system.  Contact us to consult on your options.