What Is Metal Fabrication?

Metal fabrication is the process of assembling metal in various practical shapes and sizes to create a finished product. To make a pin or a part for an airplane, or sign, or just about anything that uses metal, the metal needs to be fabricated; that is, turned into something.

Metal Fabrication

Many water jet cutting companies, like Precision Cutting Service, specialize in metal fabrication because the metal parts they cut often need to be assembled post cutting to create the finished product the customer needs. By offering this service and doing it expertly, they eliminate the need for the customer to work with more than one vendor. At Precision Cutting Service, we do all the cutting, forming, welding, assembling, and powder coating—and sometimes even the design—and we have been doing so for more than 25 years.

 Scope of Metal Fabrication

Metal fabrication, particularly from water jet cutting companies, can be used to make all sorts of products, including outdoor and indoor furniture, metal sculptures, automobile parts, fencing and gates, hand tools, dimensional signs and letters, and structural steel assemblies, to name just a few. Indeed, if you can imagine it most likely a water jet metal fabrication company like Precision Cutting Service can produce it.

Metal Fabrication Sculture

Using computer-driven high-powered cutting nozzles, Precision Cutting Service creates ultra-smooth parts and pieces that can be smaller than a dime and/or larger than a full-size SUV, or anywhere in between, with tolerances of .003” to ensure that final assemblies fit precisely and tightly. Our trained, experienced customer service and fabrication professionals understand the ongoing trends in metal fabrication and welding, have the skills you need to produce the products you need and are here to help you every step of the designing, cutting, fabricating, and delivery process. To learn how we can help you, contact us today!