Category Archives: Custom Gaskets

Why You Should Choose Custom Gaskets for Your Business?

Because gaskets are an integral part of most machinery, and particularly pipelines, they need to fit precisely to prevent leaks or other malfunctions that might damage equipment and injure people. Likewise, the material that a specific gasket is made from needs to perform perfectly to manage the pressure, heat, and other conditions to which it…

Why You Should Choose Water Jet Cutting as Your Gasket Manufacturing Process

Because of their ability to perform well in different environments, gaskets are used across industries to seal joints, stabilize pressure, control heat, reduce noise, and to perform a variety of other functions. Available in a range of materials, including rubber, synthetics, metal, cork and copper, premium quality gaskets make most manufacturing operations possible while simultaneously…

Best Weather-Resistant Rubber Gasket Materials

Rubber gaskets are used in nearly every industry you can think of and often they’re exposed to harsh weather conditions, meaning they need to be built to last. The right rubber gasket material will determine its lifespan and how well it holds up under the elements. However, not many people are experts on rubber gaskets…

When Ordering Custom Gaskets, Know Your TEMP

When creating a new product or sourcing replacement parts for older mission-critical hardware, custom gaskets can be a lifesaver.  A quality custom gasket service can produce any number of gaskets to meet your needs, and they have a huge range of materials to choose from.  This is what makes custom gasket orders so effective—unlike off-the-shelf…

When Ordering Custom Gaskets, Preparing for the Worst May Not be the Best Call

The rule of thumb when ordering custom gaskets is to know their TEMP; that is, Temperature, Environment, Media, and Pressure.  Those are the four most crucial aspects to consider when making gaskets because they are what determine the physical properties of the gasket necessary for proper functioning.  With the TEMP information in hand, your custom…

How To Prevent Custom Gasket Blowout

  There are numerous situations where custom gaskets can be an engineering lifesaver.  From helping you R&D new products to replacing parts in a mission-critical piece of hardware that no longer has OEM support, it pays to have a custom gasket manufacturer you can call in when needed. Also, gaskets can sometimes fail—and if it’s…