Category Archives: Water Jet Cutting

What are OEM, Aftermarket and Custom Parts and How Waterjet Cutting Services Produce Them?

Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), Aftermarket Parts Manufacturers and Custom Parts Manufacturers are often used interchangeably and, in fact, are essentially the same thing relative to replacing worn or broken components. They all produce parts for machinery and other products. OEMs are operations that make or made the original part for the original piece of equipment….

Busting 4 Myths About Waterjet Cutting

Precision Cutting Service has been in the waterjet cutting business for more than 25 years and during this time we have heard our share of concerns about waterjet cutting’s capabilities. Most, if not all, were unfounded. Indeed, today, water jet cutting is one of the most sought after cutting methods by business and industry. Work…

Is Waterjet Cutting Right for Your Metal Fabrication Project?

If you are wondering about the right cutting approach for your next metal fabrication project, please read on. When it comes to metal fabrication, waterjet cutting is the industry’s go-to cutting technique because of its its proven benefits over other cutting methods. Combine it with an expert operator and you get the best output at…

Benefits of Waterjet Cutting

Waterjet cutting makes use of highly pressurized and extremely thin jets of water to cut through any material, including the hardest superalloys. This high-precision cutting process is flexible and accurate, achieving tolerances of up to ±.003.” Its multiple capabilities help architects, engineers, production managers, advertising agencies, business owners and the general public to produce efficient…

How Accurate Is Water jet Cutting

Waterjet cutting offers precision and flexibility that cannot be matched by other cutting methods. This technology offer tight tolerances (up to +/- 0.003”) and also works well with virtually any material, including heat-sensitive materials. The high pressure waterjet stream, which forms the foundation of a water jet cutting system, is not rigid like a saw…

Water Jet Cutting Services Can Cut Almost Any Material

When people think of cutting services, they usually think of saws, lasers, or plasma cutting systems.  However, all those cutting methods have some major drawbacks that prevent them from working with certain materials.  On the other hand, water jet cutting services can cut almost anything! Water jet cutting is exactly what it sounds like. It…

A Guide to Water Jet Cutting

At Precision Cutting Service, we’re proud to offer a range of custom fabrication solutions, including water jet cutting. No matter what size, shape or part you want, our cutting capabilities can handle it. If you are wondering exactly what we can cut, and what the benefits are of this particular type of cutting method, read…